On May 24, 1865, Richard Pearse sold the southwest 1/4 acre of Section 1, Township 39 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian for $1.00 to The School Trustees of the town of Milan, County of DeKalb and State of Illinois.
Commencing at the corner stone of the SW corner of Section one (1) and running east twelve (12) rods thence north ten (10) rods thence west twelve (12) rods thence south ten (10) rods to the place of beginning in the town of Milan in the county of DeKalb and State of Illinois.
Here is the county Grantee index:
Grantee Index |
The entry for the index is the 3rd from the bottom of the page.
Below is the warranty deed signed by Richard Pearse and wife, Mary:
Indenture |
This indenture states "these premises shall be used for school site". It also states "The said school trustees are to enclose the above described premises with a good three (3) board fence and keep the same in repair".
This warranty deed was filed on June 3, 1865.
For historical context, the month prior to this transaction, the country witnessed the end of the Civil War and the assassination of President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Milan township provided thirty-eight soldiers to the Union army.